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Most Common Personal Injury Claims in Canada

Canada offers one of the top healthcare systems in the world. However, due to the high number of people injured each year, the country also has a substantial personal injury law industry. 

There are plenty different types of personal injury claims that you can make in Canada. Here are some of the most common personal injury claims in Canada today:

Car Accidents

One of the top personal injury claims in Canada is for car accidents. Every year, there are thousands of car accidents on Canadian roads, and many of these accidents result in personal injuries. 

Car accident cases usually require legal assistance because of the complex nature of the, therefore, films. Therefore, if you have been involved or injured in a car accident, you should speak to a personal injury lawyer to get started on your claim.

Slips and Falls

Slip and fall injuries are pretty common among Canadians, especially in the winter. These accidents often occur on icy or slippery surfaces and can sometimes be very serious. 

Some slip and fall cases can get insurance settlements of up to
$100,000, so it is worth talking to a personal injury lawyer if you have been injured in this type of accident.

Workplace Injuries

Every year, there are thousands of work-related injuries around the world. These accidents can occur in any workplace, from office buildings to construction sites. 

If you have been injured at work, you'll definitely need an accident lawyer to help you coordinate with all the parties involved in your case, including your employer, the insurance company, and any other third parties.

Product Liability

Defective products are also a common cause of insurance claims. If a defective product has injured you, you may be able to claim the manufacturer or retailer of that product. Product liability cases can be pretty complex, so it's essential to speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer for help.

Swimming Pool Accidents

With the hot summers in Canada, many people enjoy spending time at the pool. Unfortunately, swimming pool accidents do happen from time to time. 

If you or your child has been involved or injured in a swimming pool accident, you may be able to claim the owner of the pool. These cases can be complex, so seeking legal help is essential. If the pool was in your household, your lawyer could help you check whether your home insurance policy may cover the damages.

Bicycle Accidents

With more and more people riding bicycles, bicycle accidents are also becoming more common. If you have been hit by a car while riding your bike, you may be able to make a personal injury claim against the driver of the vehicle. 

Animal Attacks

Animal attacks can also be quite severe and sometimes result in personal injuries. If an animal has attacked you, you may be able to claim ownership of the animal. 

Act of God

Injuries caused by acts of God like earthquakes, floods, or lightning strikes are also covered by personal injury law. Therefore, if you have been injured in one of these accidents, you may be able to claim against the party responsible for the property where the accident took place. 

If you got in the act of God accident while you're out in nature, you might be able to claim the government. 

No matter what type of accident you've been in, you should speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible if you've been injured. Your lawyer will be able to help you determine whether you have a valid claim and can help you get the compensation you deserve.

The Bottom Line 

There are several kinds of personal injury claims that you can file a lawsuit for. Two of the most common personal injury claims in Canada are for car accidents and slips and falls. 

As you can see from what we've talked about above, you can get settlements for personal injuries caused by various accidents. The key takeaway is that if you or someone you know has suffered from a personal injury, know that you can and should rely on
personal injury lawyers to get you the compensation you deserve.

At Newfoundland Injury Law, we help all our clients through their injury cases by assisting with documentation, negotiations, and fighting for them in court. If you need legal help, we highly encourage you to visit our website to schedule a free legal consultation today!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are The Two Types of Personal Injuries?

    There are two types of personal injuries: physical and psychological. 

    A personal physical injury refers to any injury caused by an accident or violence. This can include anything from a broken bone to whiplash. 

    A personal psychological injury, on the other hand, refers to any emotional trauma that is caused by an accident or violence. This can include anything from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to depression. 

  • What is The Difference Between Minor and Significant Personal Injury Claims?

    The difference between minor and significant personal injury claims is the number of sought damages. 

    Minor personal injury claims usually involve small amounts of money, such as medical bills or lost wages. On the other hand, significant personal injury claims typically involve more considerable sums of money, such as pain and suffering or punitive damages. 

  • What are The Most Common Types of Personal Injury Claims?

    The most common personal injury claims in Canada are slips and falls, workplace injuries, product liability, swimming pool accidents, bicycle accidents, animal attacks, and acts of God. 

  • How Do I Know if I have a Personal Injury Claim?

    If you have been injured in an accident, you may have a personal injury claim. To find out for sure, you should speak to a personal injury lawyer. Here are some red flags that show you'll need legal help:  

    -You were injured in an accident that was not your fault 

    -The accident has caused you to be incapable of doing work 

    -The accident has caused you physical pain or suffering 

    -The accident has caused you psychological trauma 

    -You are not sure how to proceed with your claim 

    If you have any of these red flags, you may have a personal injury claim that you can get settlements for. 

  • How Do You Manage an Injury Claim Settlement?

    There are a few different ways to manage an injury claim settlement. The first is to negotiate with the insurance company yourself. The second is to hire a personal injury lawyer to negotiate on your behalf. The third is to go to court and have a judge or jury decide the outcome of your case. Once you've got all these three considered, you can choose the one that offers you the best chance of getting the maximum compensation for your injuries. 

    If you have been injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation. With the right help by your side, you can get personal injury settlements up to $100,000. To find out more, contact a personal injury lawyer today.

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